
ASM celebrates its 110th anniversary

ASM has been a pioneering club in sport and health since its creation in 1911 “Promote a sports policy open to as many people as possible to initiate and educate young people (…) Encourage the widest and longest possible practice for all ages”, declared Marcel Michelin in 1911 when ASM was created. Today in 2021,…

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The natural rubber value chain in the Brazilian Amazon

Unprocessed natural rubber is an important part of the local economy for communities in the Amazon. Sustainable management of the forests and the natural rubber trees they contain adds value to the natural forest while also bringing work to communities in the Amazon. As a result, the natural rubber value chain has a major role…

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Restoring the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was ravaged by fire on April 15th 2019. The appalling images will remain in our memories for ever. The catastrophe triggered a worldwide outpouring of generosity with hundreds of thousands of donors in over 150 countries wanting to contribute to the mammoth restauration project. In the immediate aftermath of the…

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Managing conflicts between man and nature, the example of rooks

Preserving Nature and biodiversity is a priority to which the Michelin Corporate Foundation is committed. The Foundation is participating with the Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) in the protection of rooks who are key players in a unique ecosystem. The rook (Corvus frugilegus) is one of four European species belonging…

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Opening a community teaching restaurant

The Michelin Corporate Foundation wished to become associated with the Toques Académie restaurant, a novel community training and social assimilation project that is unique in France. This unusual eating place located in Clermont-Ferrand opened in June 2020 in spite of the coronavirus crisis. The chef, Hugo Czechowicz, has a dazzling professional record. He offers inventive,…

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An employment scheme for refugees with PIETRA

For more than 24 years, the CeCler association has been fighting against the exclusion of people in need in the Clermont-Ferrand metropolitan area. Its mission is to facilitate their reintegration into society and employment by using four levers: housing, health care, support towards autonomy and adapting to the workplace. The association responded to the invitation…

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SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 research programs

The Michelin Corporate Foundation has pledged its commitment to the Institut Pasteur in Paris to support an ambitious research program aimed at finding science-based solutions to the Covid-19 pandemic. Mustering unprecedented resources, this program has brought together over 50 teams and more than 400 people involved in Covid-19 research on the Paris campus. The program…

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Support for the Youth Coalition for Road Safety

Road crashes are the leading killer of young adults aged between 15 and 29. Almost 350,000 die each year and 80% of them are males. To help in fighting this scourge the NGO YOURS (Youth for Road Safety) was set up in 2007. It has grown steadily and in 2010 became an official member of…

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Planting Trees, Fosters Hope for the Future

Living in a country with the nickname Mega-biodiversity Country – which means a country with a rich biodiversity – should make us aware of the importance of biodiversity as a supporting component of our survival – humans. There are so many benefits that we can get from the existence of biodiversity, namely as a source…

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Autism: a free national listening and information platform

The nationwide www.autismeinfoservice.fr web platform launched on April 2 2019 by the Autisme Info Service association aims to provide improved listening, guidance and support services to people with autism. The purpose of the project is to answer all questions about the condition which people ask by phone or email, using the website and the national directory…

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