
Support for the Youth Coalition for Road Safety

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Road crashes are the leading killer of young adults aged between 15 and 29. Almost 350,000 die each year and 80% of them are males.

To help in fighting this scourge the NGO YOURS (Youth for Road Safety) was set up in 2007.

It has grown steadily and in 2010 became an official member of UNRSC (United Nations Road Safety Collaboration), the road safety body attached to the UN. The aim of YOURS is to improve road safety by encouraging thousands of young people known as ‘ambassadors’ and ‘champions’ to take part in preventive actions, to spread information and mobilize their peers.

Despite increased awareness, the death rate in 2019 remained high. The reasons for this are perfectly clear: not wearing a helmet or seat belt, speed, alcohol and loss of attention. In this situation, it is more than ever essential to inform young people and, what is more important, involve them in designing solutions.

This priority was recalled at the 2nd World Youth Conference held in Sweden on February 18th, 2020. Jointly organized by YOURS and the World Health Organization, it was a prelude to the third world ministerial conference on road safety arranged by the United Nations. The assembly called for increased efforts to meet new road safety targets between now and 2030 and speed up the transition to safer, cheaper, easier to use and more sustainable modes of transport.

In July 2020, YOURS launched the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety, a platform bringing together individual members and organizations with the aim of creating momentum to make roads safer. Its objective is to offer resources, skills, partnerships and opportunities to spread ideas and maximize their impact. Since its creation, already more than 400 members from 86 countries have joined the Coalition.

The potential behind this initiative has encouraged Michelin to extend its support for YOURS whose ambition of promoting safer mobility in tune with sustainable development is central to Michelin’s own commitments.

To get more news and join the Youth Coalition : https://claimingourspace.org/blog

YOURS launches Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety

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