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By renewing the five-year term of its foundation, the Michelin group reaffirms its “Corporate Citizenship” strategy and its desire to continue its societal engagements.

As part of this societal responsibility, in resonance with the Purpose and values ​​of the Group, our foundation has defined new strategic orientations which will guide our fields of action in the coming years in order to strengthen our positive impact for the Common Good.  

Beyond evolutions in our themes of engagement, we will now take a more proactive approach and will conduct reviews of the projects by thematic.  

This is why the Michelin Corporate Foundation has defined an annual project study schedule:

Projects that are submitted on the website at least 2 months before the scheduled reviews will be considered based on their relevance regarding our new fields of action and this planning.  

For projects processed in the 2nd semester, only applications submitted before August 30 will be taken into account.  

Before “Proposing a project” via this platform, please read our new fields of action and the eligibility criteria. 


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