ASM celebrates its 110th anniversary - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin : Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin ASM celebrates its 110th anniversary - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin

ASM celebrates its 110th anniversary

ASM Omnisports

ASM has been a pioneering club in sport and health since its creation in 1911

“Promote a sports policy open to as many people as possible to initiate and educate young people (…) Encourage the widest and longest possible practice for all ages”, declared Marcel Michelin in 1911 when ASM was created.

Today in 2021, with its 15 sports departments, its 250 coaches and instructors, its 3 centers of excellence, its sports facilities covering more than 60,000 square meters and the ASM – Clermont Foot 63 shared training center which grooms top rugby players and footballers, ASM Omnisports offers its 7,000 members a perfect environment of sporting excellence.

ASM is considered a national benchmark in its three priority activities of sport and health, sustainable performance and social inclusion through sport.

ASM’s main aim is to encourage people of all ages to get up and move, have fun and combat the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle. That is why the club has developed a Multisports department for youngsters from the ages of 15 months to 11, enabling them to find, at their own pace, a physical activity to enjoy and even excel in throughout their lives.

ASM Omnisports also wishes to develop its educational role and foster social inclusion through sport in all its sporting areas.

In addition, with its “Vitality” program designed to promote sports and physical activity in companies and the opening in 2021 of its Maison Sport Santé, ASM is totally in line with its founder’s vision of sport and health.

For Philippe Legrez, Managing Director of the Michelin Corporate Foundation, “The Michelin Corporate Foundation and ASM share the same values. We believe that sport is a health factor essential for human development.”.

Photos : © Renaud Baldassin

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