
Governance and operation


The Michelin Corporate Foundation, presided by Florent Menegaux, has two governing bodies at its disposal as well as a team of permanent staff dedicated to keeping its action going.
The Executive Board and the Selection Committee each meet at least twice a year to examine and validate submitted projects.

The Executive Board

The Executive Board is chaired by Florent Menegaux. It comprises four members of the Michelin Group’s Executive Committee, a staff representative, and three outside persons. It defines general orientations and validates projects worth more than 100,000 euros.

Florent Menegaux

CEO, Michelin & President of Michelin Corporate Foundation

Yves Chapot

Partner & Chief Financial Officer

Adeline Challon-Kemoun

EVP, Engagement & Brands, Group Executive Committee Member

Jean-Claude Pats

Chief People Officer,
Group Executive Committee Member

Lorraine Frega

Distribution, Services & Solutions, Strategy, Innovation & Partnerships, Sustainable Development & Impact - and China Region. Group Executive Committee Member.


Patrick Bernard

Michelin Group Staff Representative

Jean Chazal

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Auvergne and neurosurgeon

Brice Lalonde

Former French Minister of the Environment, President of Equilibre des énergies

Catherine Pégard

CEO of the Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles


The Selection Committee comprises nine members who represent the diversity of the Group’s actions. It is tasked with the validation of projects worth between 5,001 and 99,999 euros.


The Executive Director validates projects worth less than 5,000 euros.

The Foundation Team

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Forrest Patterson

Executive Director

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Bruno Jacob

Chief operation officer

Nathalie Ellie

 Communication & Project manager

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Lorraine Delafon

Contracts & Project manager

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Sophia Aris

Accounting & Project manager

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Béatrice Gaudard

Administration & Project manager


  • Collecting and processing all grant requests, preselecting projects
  • Presenting the preselected projects to the Executive Board
  • Carrying out the Executive Board’s decisions regarding the philanthropic strategy, selected projects, and annual budget
  • Ensuring a good follow-up to the projects, reporting by the beneficiaries, and internal and external communication
Forrest Patterson circle image

A word by Executive Director



“I am very happy to join the Michelin Corporate Foundation and to continue our philanthropic activities in line with what has been in place since 2014.
We will continue to work in accordance with Michelin's values and commitments. The vision of "Helping people move forward" still guides us, with actions around the five fields defined so far: sustainable mobility, sport and health, education and solidarity, protection of the environment, culture and heritage.
With the help of Michelin Group employees, the Foundation is already heavily involved in the life of local communities. Its contributions have made it possible to set up or support numerous projects. I hope to go even further in this commitment of our employees wherever Michelin is established throughout the world.”

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