The Académie des sciences is celebrating its 350th anniversary. It is dedicated to the development of the sciences and provides scientific advice to government bodies. Independent and enduring, and placed under the protection of the President of the French Republic, the Académie des sciences is one of the five academies sitting within the Institut de France.
On the strength of the many agreements concluded with foreign academies and of its participation in worldwide scientific networks, it has a major role in science diplomacy.
The Académie des sciences notably plays an essential part in maintaining links with researchers in countries with which diplomatic ties are sometimes restricted. It becomes involved too, alongside its counterparts in other countries, in debates on scientific and societal issues which transcend frontiers, such as energy, population growth and the environment.
The Michelin Corporate Foundation has given its support to the festivities celebrating the academy’s 350 years of existence during which all the scientific academies gathered at the Louvre in Paris. The anniversary was an opportunity for them to reinforce their ties and reassert loudly and clearly the values that science has represented since the creation in 1603 of the first academy, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome: universalism, tolerance, a critical spirit and a desire for knowledge against all forms of obscurantism.
Learn more about the Académie des sciences