As an extension of the actions realized by the Fonds pour les Soins Palliatifs since 2011, the general interest structure, named HELEBOR in 2021, continues its missions.
With the constant objective of improving the quality of life of people in palliative care and their loved ones, the Michelin Foundation supports HELEBOR in its new role as an incubator of innovative projects.
Since 2018, following a study carried out in two hospitals in the east of Paris, the observation has emerged that there was a lack of reception structures in palliative care for people in a situation of social insecurity and requiring continuous palliative care, especially for seriously affected patients under the age of 60.
To compensate for this lack of reception facilities, HELEBOR is now offering a specific living space for experimentation, providing accommodation for people who are seriously ill and in precarious situations within therapeutic coordination apartments with a palliative aim.
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