Created in 1990, Braille & Culture is an association recognised as being of general interest, which received State approval as an “Entreprise sociale et solidaire” (Company supporting social values and solidarity) in 2006. It works each day to facilitate access to those who are visually deficient to culture, tourism and leisure. It is involved in numerous and varied activities.
The Foundation has provided its support to Braille & Culture for the 2015 edition of the Guide Céci’Tourisme, a touristic reference guide intended for persons who have a visual handicap. For all of France, it lists sites that are equipped to receive those who are visually deficient: museums, natural sites, leisure areas, and also lodging and restaurants… The guide may be downloaded free of charge from the website of Braille & Culture, in its entirety or region by region.
For more information about Braille & Culture and to download the Guides Céci’Tourisme