PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN SUMATRA - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin : Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN SUMATRA - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin



For more than 50 years, with an active network in more than 100 countries and supported by more than 5 million members, the WWF is working around the world to eradicate degradation of the natural environment of the planet and to build a future in which human beings live in harmony with nature.

The Michelin Corporate Foundation and the WWF in France have established a partnership to bring a conservation project to the rain forest in the territory of Bukit Tigapuluh (island of Sumatra, Indonesia), whose ecosystem constitutes one of the largest reserves of biodiversity in the world (elephants, orang-utans, tigers, etc.). However, nearly 50% of the forest has been destroyed over the last two decades on the island of Sumatra. The encroachment of farms, the illegal extraction of resources and excessive tree cutting is destroying the forests of Indonesia, a veritable “Emerald of the Equator”.

In the face of this urgency, the WWF France and the Michelin Corporate Foundation have developed a project focused on two principal objectives:

  • increasing awareness in the local communities about the necessity of stopping deforestation and training them in protection of the environment;
  • working with these communities so that their development includes environmental considerations.

To do so, the teams of the WWF in Indonesia, present at the site, are organising awareness campaigns, workshops, forums within villages, etc. In the long-term, the objective is for the communities to be the real actors for conservation.

Learn more about WWF

Illegal forest operation in the buffer zone of the ABT concession, Sumatra, Indonesia

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