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On October 17 at the Learning Planet Institute (Paris), our partner Bibliothèques Sans Frontières organized a day of exchanges and co-creation based on the hackathon model with the aim of accelerating the development of French learning modules for professional purposes in sectors under pressure:
The recruitment of refugee and migrant populations represents an opportunity for these sectors but also a major challenge to ensure their integration into companies. Mastery of French and specific vocabulary is at the heart of this challenge.
Two hackathons took place simultaneously on these two themes: exceptional brainstorming in the service of social impact and professional integration!
Inspired by a design thinking methodology, teams made up of beneficiaries, collaborators, business experts and partner associations identified the main problems and needs. Each team then contributed to building the content of the educational bricks and future lessons which will feed the KARIBU application.
A big thank you in particular to the Michelin employees who responded to share their “job” expertise in this exercise in the service of inclusion and professional integration, out of solidarity, to help vulnerable people rebuild their lives.
The Michelin Corporate Foundation is proud to contribute to the development of the KARIBU mobile application to support the integration of immigrant populations. Already 13,000 people are learning French thanks to Karibu! 70% of people believe that Karibu has promoted their access to the job market and their professional integration.