
Together for less waste and more sharing


Christmas is still far away but at L’Agence du Don en Nature (ADN), they are already preparing!

Even if it is still early to think about Christmas, the major logistical operation carried out by ADN for its “Solidarity Christmas” campaign has begun.

From October 16 to 22, ADN together with the Michelin Foundation, is organizing the solidarity transport week. During that week, thanks to the foundation, transport is free for any order placed on ADN’s website.

This operation, renewed each year, aims to collect unsold toys from donating companies in order to redistribute them to as many children as possible throughout the country, thanks to the help of local associations.

Thus, through this action, we are happy to support families in need, of whom there are still too many, particularly in this period of crisis.

According to the recent report from the Observatory of Inequalities, France has more than 4.8 million people in poverty, that is to say earning less than 940 euros per month.

ADN, in partnership with its network of 1,500 associations spread across France, helps to fight against inequalities. They allow many children to experience the holidays in complete carefree surroundings. A big congratulations to this beautiful chain of solidarity!