Road safety is a major focus of the Michelin Corporate Foundation.
To this end the Foundation is involved with Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), a worldwide organization which particularly targets young people under 25 who are the most frequent victims of road accidents. Every year, 400,000 young pedestrians, cyclists, motor
cyclists, car drivers and passengers are involved in road accidents, especially in
emerging and low and middle-income countries.
The trademark activity of Youth for Road Safety (YOURS) is deploying road safety awareness programs which it tries to make as effective as possible.
In South Africa, a country which is particularly affected, YOURS is working alongside the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), a significant international road safety player, to roll
out a major campaign in Limpopo province.
A novel feature of the approach is that it entrusts the road safety messages to a network of ambassadors who are not celebrities but young spokespeople from the targeted communities. After receiving thorough training on every aspect of road safety, these young people are tasked with passing on technical advice and behaviors to their families, friends and communities. This initiative helps tie road safety to daily life, as close as possible to the concerns of the intended audience.
At Canaâ dos Carajas in Brazil, again with the GRSP, the Michelin Corporate Foundation is providing financial backing to an urban development project aimed at improving the quality of life by involving the inhabitants in innovative schemes to advance road safety and
mobility in the city. As an expert recognized for its road safety knowhow and good practices, the GRSP is playing a key role in the training of committed road safety practitioners.