CHORALE SEASON - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin : Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin CHORALE SEASON - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin



The Chœur Régional d’Auvergne, which will soon celebrate its 20 years of existence, was conceived when it was created as a “tool to the service of chorale art in Auvergne”.
Recognised today as a formidable cultural and social actor in Clermont-Ferrand and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, it has 70 very talented amateur singers. Each year it produces several shows, often in partnership with other renowned musical institutions of Auvergne: the Orchestre National d’Auvergne, the Clermont Auvergne Opera, the Festival de La Chaise-Dieu


Whether they practice professional activities that have no relation to music, or their career is related to the world of music (teaching in general or in a school of music), all the members of the Chœur Régional d’Auvergne are passionate volunteers, and a lot of them supervise a chorale group in addition to their activities. The bonds between the members of the chorale and the social and economic life of the city and of the region are, thus, numerous and strong. Through its support, the Michelin Corporate Foundation encourages the Chœur Régional d’Auvergne to be increasingly involved in the dynamism and influence of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.


For further information about the Chœur Régional d’Auvergne

Rehearsals of Bach’s St Matthew’s Passion

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