To address the impacts on health and the environment of the chemical industry and its products (140,000 man-made molecules have been identified to date), the need for an independent, objective and scientific risk analysis organization is becoming increasingly necessary.
If communities are more and more concerned about chemical pollution, they find it hard, just as for climate change, to evaluate the seriousness of its effects.
Such an organization, which is crucial for the future, could take the form of a body responsible for the worldwide monitoring of chemical pollution.
This is what many experts from the scientific community are demanding.
The role of this body might be to produce a report on the level of chemical pollution of the planet which would then be used to evaluate the impacts and risks of such pollution.
The need for urgent action has prompted the Michelin Corporate Foundation to give its backing to the Académie de l’Eau, an association founded in 1993 on the initiative of the French Ministry for the Environment and the six water agencies, in launching a worldwide campaign for the creation of an international study group on chemical pollution of the environment.
Managed by supranational institutions and independent of pressure groups, the work of this body will be to produce a periodical digest of international knowledge on chemical pollution of the environment.