Les Dissonances adventure began in 2004 under the leadership of internationally renowned violinist, David Grimal.
This unique orchestra, made up of a collective of committed musicians, explores the musical language in a dialogue constructed between the musicians, without the mediation of a conductor. Everyone’s talents are called upon to the maximum. During the concert, energies and sensitivities are transmitted between the musicians and unfold within each desk and group of instruments.
“You have to be able to play as one man but that this cohesion, this osmosis, does not reduce any individual. », Says David Grimal.
The ambition of Les Dissonances is to serve music by sharing it with as many people as possible, not only in concert halls around the world, but also through educational actions, including conferences in companies in order to contribute by their example to develop the collective sense, and invite the responsibility of each employee.
Les Dissonances will soon be in Romania at the Enescu Festival in Bucharest on September 16 and 17 and at the Philharmonie de Paris on September 20, 2021.