
A summer camp full of stars!


Since 2022, the AstroMaths camp has been organized by the ENS de Lyon and the Blaise Pascal Foundation with the support of numerous partners and committed stakeholders.

Free of charge, the AstroMaths camp is organized for the benefit of first year high school students, volunteers, from modest and/or rural backgrounds, all passionate about science.

On the Vivarais-Lignon plateau, from July 8 to 19, 2024, 24 selected young people spent two weeks in full board with mathematics and astronomy lessons during the day, and at nightfall, learning the sky at the Hubert Reeves Observatory.

A summer camp that rhymes with passion, where young people come to both practice outdoor sports activities and gain advice and new tools to continue their scientific studies. Unique encounters that help detect talents, fuel an appetite for science and open up the field of possibilities to young people from rural areas or priority areas of cities.

This project aims to change the image that young people have of mathematics by approaching it in a fun way. It aims to enable young people not to lower their ambitions, in particular by familiarizing them with the range of choices offered by mathematics courses, and by showing them that varied profiles can succeed in this discipline.

This partnership with the Blaise Pascal Foundation reinforces the Michelin Corporate Foundation’s engagement to science training, and contributes positively to the development of knowledge and the development of young minds.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqV5E57wZMQ &feature=emb_title

Photos : © AstroMaths communication department