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On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Agence du Don en Nature (ADN), Early Childhood officially becomes a key focus in the actions of the association.
Since 2008, concrete help has been provided to children through the donation of new non-food products. Operations such as Rentrée Solidaire (school supplies for the start of the school year) or Noël Solidaire (toys and games for the end-of-year celebrations) have become highly anticipated times for the 1,600 ADN partner associations.
The association can already count on the commitment of around twenty partners from the childcare sector for this operation dedicated to toddlers, which began on Monday 3 April.
500,000 products (diapers, wipes, clothes, etc.) will be redistributed in the coming weeks to 30,000 babies aged 0-3 in need.
The Michelin Foundation offers free transport for the delivery of products during this distribution campaign throughout the territory.
“To combat social inequalities in health, preventive intervention from an early age remains the most effective way to act. This makes it possible to prevent long-term risks and, in particular, to limit the consequences on life expectancy. It is a question of targeting the primary needs of the child from the outset in order to break the cycle of poverty and its transmission from generation to generation”, explains Dr Remi LAPORTE, Pediatrician and Head of Child-Environment Consultation and Permanence of access to health care (PASS) Mother-Child of the University Hospital of Marseille, Representative of the French Society of Pediatrics.