Created in 2010, the ESPCI Paris Fund contributes to the development and influence of the School of Physics and Industrial Chemistry of the City of Paris (ESCPI). It is intended to support the School in its development projects, in particular through leading industrial partnerships. In this context, the UPtoParis doctoral programme aims to train young researchers coming from all parts of the world by giving them high-quality knowledge and skills directly linked to the needs of the international industry and market.
This ambitious training programme is built around interdisciplinary principles and a comprehensive approach to science promoting fundamental as well as applied research and generating major innovation. The PhD students will work within the ESPCI’s research units during the three years of their fellowship. Thesis topics will be related with technologies identified by the European Union as innovation assets: biotechnology, nanotechnologies, innovative materials, photonics.
PhD students are recruited through an international and selective call for applications and their theses are partly funded by the European Union. As a result, ESPCI Paris welcomed the 10 first PhD students in September 2018 and will welcome as many students in 2019 and 2020. The Michelin Foundation joins the ESPCI Paris Fund to support the UPtoParis programme, which will be co-financed until 2021.
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