The powerful earth tremors which shook the Marche region of Italy between August and October 2016 caused major destruction.
Restating its commitment to action in situations of humanitarian crisis, the Michelin Corporate Foundation wished to bring its support to the local population by donating to the Institut Professionale Renzo Frau in San Ginesio. This establishment is noted for two student courses,
one in mechanical engineering specializing in automated systems and robotics and the other in cabinetmaking.
To enable students to carry on their studies as normally as possible, the school was rehoused in a recently-completed municipal building, initially designated as a community center.
Part of the necessary technical equipment was installed there and made available to the students.
The donation, which was made through the Confederazione Nazionale Misericordie d’Italia, will serve to provide the institution with equipment which is more modern and better
suited to the needs of local industrial firms