A.R.T.S. (Art. Research. Technology. Science.) is an association in Clermont-Ferrand of artists, scientists, academics… who reflect on the relationship between art, science, and technology and whose works combine these different areas. The purpose is to create bridges between these disciplines, bearing in mind this phrase by Victor Hugo:
“The future […] the one that makes you grow in stature, the one that raises you, giving your reasons both cutting edges of the sword, Art and Science, so that walking to the grave, you live for real, you were fighting for the beautiful!”.
In collaboration with the Michelin Corporate Foundation, the artist José Merino has made a monumental sculpture on sport and team spirit called Transformation. This sculpture represents a rugby ball, made of a set of rings resting on each other as in a rugby scrum. It symbolises the importance of the union of different elements, whether in a sports team or within the company. By joining together harmoniously, these elements form a bigger and stronger whole.
Learn more about A.R.T.S.