Humanitarian programmes and emergency situations are also part of the field of action of the Michelin Corporate Foundation. Faced with the epidemic of Ebola fever that struck West Africa, creating an unprecedented health crisis in the region, it wanted to take part in the international solidarity. The Foundation chose to specifically support the Movement of the Croix-Rouge (Red Cross) and the Croissant Rouge (Red Crescent), and notably its activities in Liberia.
To assist the communities, governments and health services of the countries affected by the virus, the Fédération de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR) (Red Cross and Red Crescent Federation) conducted effective activities in the field to educate and inform the populations, provide them with psychological support, identify and track people in contact with the virus, and perform burials that were dignified but safe after persons had succumbed to the illness.
Learn more about the Croix-Rouge Française