In June 2018, the Michelin Corporate Foundation became the new benefactor of the “Agence du Don en Nature” (ADN), an association which fights against exclusion and whose social mission is to help those most in need through the redistribution of new non-food products. In 2017, the “Agence du Don en Nature” provided assistance to nearly 900,000 needy people via 800 associations and partner institutions.
True to its commitment, the Michelin Corporate Foundation has offered to provide financial support for the three exceptional annual redistribution operations that take place each year: the Semaine du Don en Nature (In-Kind Donation Week) (March), Été Solidaire (Solidarity Summer) (July for school supplies) and Christmas (November for games and toys).
The partnership was successfully launched during the Été Solidaire operation, dedicated to the redistribution of school products (school bags, pencil cases, pens, paper sheets, children’s clothing) to associations. It took place from June 26 to July 11 in 44 departments, which means a high territorial impact. 120 associations engaged in a wide variety of missions (reception and accommodation, solidarity grocery shops, assistance to women victims of violence, protection of childhood…) have ordered school supplies and everyday products for nearly 3 million euros. The Michelin Corporate Foundation sponsored transportation of the first order and is committed to do so until 2020.
The Christmas operation in November has just ended: thanks to the help of a dozen companies, ADN has redistributed nearly 234,000 brand-new games and toys to children from needy families. The fight against exclusion must also allow people who need it the most to enjoy the festive season of Christmas and New Year. The Michelin Corporate Foundation is proud to be a contributor.
For more information about the “Agence du Don en Nature”, please click here.