
The Michelin Corporate Foundation supports two local communities in Romania, Zalău and Ploieşti, with the purchase of medical equipment

Zalău County Emergency Hospital (SJUZ), which in 2017 admitted 22,000 patients in hospital day care and 25,500 long-term care patients has been undergoing modernisation and improvement of medical care for several years. The Michelin Corporate Foundation provided the cardiology department with a mannequin simulating the vital functions of intensive care patients, as well as with…

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$250,000 donation to 2018 Special Olympics National Games

Nova Scotia will host the Special Olympics National Summer Games July 31-August 4, 2018, in Antigonish.

Halifax, Nova Scotia -The Michelin Corporate Foundation is proud to announce its support of Canada’s 2018 National Special Olympics Summer Games with a $250,000 CAD donation. This announcement was made Friday, Octobre 20th at a media conference in Halifax in advance of a special community luncheon to celebrate and raise funds for Team Nova Scotia athletes to compete in the 2018 Games.

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