
The “Maison de la Vie”

The La Maison de la Vie project is the result of a fortunate encounter between the Michelin Enterprise Foundation, which was seeking to create a specialized center for cancer sufferers, and the Groupe Associatif Siel Bleu

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Sport and Health

Access to health services is a fundamental right, as reminded by the World Health Organization (WHO). Sport is an efficient medium for social integration and its beneficial effects on health no longer need to be demonstrated. Nevertheless, access to health services and sports remains to be developed, especially in disadvantaged areas. The Foundation is therefore…

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L’ASM, reconciling sport and education

One of the defining aims of Marcel Michelin in founding the ASM sports club in 1911 was to train and educate young people by promoting a policy of reaching out to the widest public. With the backing of the Michelin Group, and since 2014 of the Michelin Corporate Foundation, the ASM’s ambition is to spread…

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The Michelin Corporate Foundation is active in the health sphere.
For three years it has been backing local Institut Pasteur teams in Laos and Côte d’Ivoire.

The aim of the project has been to limit exposure to mosquitoes bearing potentially deadly diseases such as malaria and dengue fever in emerging countries. The research has been mainly conducted in rubber tree plantations where the risk of being stung is much greater than in the villages (by a factor of up to 16 in Laos) and where mosquitos are more likely to be disease carriers.

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The Association “Du Répit Pour Les Familles” supports people suffering from memory disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as well as stroke patients. It also helps their families, offering them support, assistance, relay, and training.

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