

Built and fortified from the 11th to the 16th century near Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire), the castle of Saint-Vidal is one of the best preserved medieval fortress in the aera. It is a jewel of military architecture of Auvergne, and is listed Historic Monument.

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The Michelin Corporate Foundation and La Sauvegarde de l’Art Français

Since 2014, the Michelin Corporate Foundation has been engaged alongside La Sauvegarde de l’Art Français. It is giving particular backing to the ‘Biggest Museum in France’ campaign whose aim is to safeguard and showcase the artworks of France’s small towns. Students from the Sciences Politiques and Sorbonne universities in Paris are especially involved in this…

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Heritage and the arts

Culture and heritage are pillars for the construction and development of each community. Both an inheritance from former generations and a legacy to future ones, cultural heritage constitutes a common property resource which creates an essential link at the heart of societies. The Michelin Corporate Foundation is very engaged in the life of territories where…

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The Chœur Régional d’Auvergne, which will soon celebrate its 15 years of existence, was conceived when it was created as a “tool to the service of chorale art in Auvergne”.

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The Chœur Régional d’Auvergne is an ensemble of amateur singers whose director since its creation has been Blaise Plumettaz. Its reason for being is the pursuit of choral excellence and the pleasure of sharing music.

Formed in 2000, the choir has acquired a reputation extending beyond borders thanks to
its spirited music-making in the four départements of the region.

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Symbol of French culture and influence, the Comédie-Française, founded by Louis XIV in 1680, chose Molière as its leader, even though he had died seven years before its creation.

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