THEATRE SEASONS - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin : Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin THEATRE SEASONS - Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin



Symbol of French culture and influence, the Comédie-Française, founded by Louis XIV in 1680, chose Molière as its leader, even though he had died seven years before its creation. The armchair that he used for his last performances of Le Malade imaginaire is still on display in the gallery of busts of the Salle Richelieu. The Comédie-Française is the only State theatre in France that has a permanent troop of actors. Made up of 60 partners and pensionnaires who alternate between plays from classical and contemporary repertoires, its motto is “Simul et Singulis” (“being together and being oneself”) and its emblem is the beehive, symbol of abundant creativity.


The Michelin Corporate Foundation has chosen to support the first theatre of France to help it maintain its high level of artistic excellence and to make it accessible to as many people as possible.


Learn more about the Comédie-Française

Salle Richelieu of the Comédie-Française

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