Heritage and the arts
Culture and heritage are pillars for the construction and development of each community. Both an inheritance from former generations and a legacy to future ones, cultural heritage constitutes a common property resource which creates an essential link at the heart of societies.
The Michelin Corporate Foundation is very engaged in the life of territories where the Group is implanted, and supports cultural creation and contributes to the preservation of local heritage.
Orchestral seasons
Since 1981, the Orchestre d’Auvergne enlivens the musical life of its region, but it is also renowned in France for its chamber music training. It performs regularly at major festivals such as the Folle Journée de Nantes, the Festival de La Chaise-Dieu, the Flâneries Musicales de Reims… The ensemble brings together 21 musicians of international…
Discover this projectEDUCATIONAL GRANTS
Firmly implanted in its territory through multiple activities with recurrent partners (Politique de la ville, FRAC Auvergne, Comédie Scène Nationale, Festival du Court-Métrage, etc.), the École Supérieure d’Art de Clermont Métropole (ESACM) belongs to the art schools association of Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (ADERA) and to the national network of 36 French graduate art schools.
Recognised as a private non-profit foundation by the law of 2 July 1996, the Fondation du Patrimoine has become a necessary actor in saving the heritage related to construction, automobiles, natural sites, and the transfer of traditional know-how.
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