Protecting the environment
The fight against global warming, the renewing of energies, the preservation of resources and biodiversity are fundamental challenges for the future of our planet. It is urgent and vital to act in favor of the environment.
The Michelin Corporate Foundation has therefore made the protection of the environment one of its main fields of action through innovative projects.

For more than 50 years, with an active network in more than 100 countries and supported by more than 5 million members, the WWF is working around the world to eradicate degradation of the natural environment of the planet and to build a future in which human beings live in harmony with nature.
Discover this projectCommitment of governments and companies to low-carbon mobility

The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI, i.e. Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales) is an independent leading research institute regarding sustainable development governance. Its main missions centre on identifying the conditions and proposing tools to put sustainable development at the heart of international relations and public and private policies. In…

To address the impacts on health and the environment of the chemical industry and its products (140,000 man-made molecules have been identified to date), the need for an independent, objective and scientific risk analysis organization is becoming increasingly necessary.
Discover this projectLE PAIN PERDU®

Every year in the Morbihan, very high tonnages of bread are thrown away by medium and large supermarkets, but also by craft bakers and mass catering.
The ESAT of Le Prat in Vannes, whose mission is to make people with disabilities access a professional activity is working with the Food Bank of Morbihan to combat food waste and social exclusion.
Discover this projectFunding for the chair in Agricultural Machinery and New Technologies

UniLaSalle is a unique centre of higher education in Earth, Life and Environment Sciences which trains more than 2,500 students on its two campuses of Beauvais and Rouen.
In a context of global demographic growth that remains sustained, agriculture will have to answer a rise of the food request. This one comes at a time when arable land is becoming scarcer, particularly because of urbanisation.
Discover this projectProject “The EpE ZEN 2050 study”

The French association Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), created in 1992, is a group of more than forty French and international large companies from all sectors of the economy, who work together to better integrate environment into both their strategies and their day-to-day management. EpE analyses and plans ahead environmental issues with a think tank approach.The…
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