
Educating industry’s future leaders in green chemistry

With six Nobel Prize winners and 570 teaching and research staff in ten research laboratories, ESPCI Paris – PSL is one of France’s oldest and most renowned engineering schools. Each year, it trains a class of 85 engineers to innovate and meet the technological and industrial challenges of tomorrow. Since 2011, a fund has been…

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L’Auvergne Pour Un Enfant

The Association L’Auvergne pour Un Enfant, created in 2000 by Doctor Raymond Miallier, is recognized as charitable by the Prefecture of Puy de Dôme. Currently chaired by Professor Jean-René Lusson, Auvergne Pour Un Enfant takes care of children suffering from serious heart pathologies who cannot be treated in their country. Since its creation, 210 children…

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The Michelin Foundation is committed to healthcare in SRI-LANKA

Faced with the unprecedented economic crisis in Sri Lanka, an emergency contribution will be made to facilitate the supply of medicines and medical equipment.  The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been supporting Sri Lanka since 1967 in its action to reduce poverty and inequality. Regarding the field of health, the country has a free…

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Creating environmental awareness among young people

Since 2018, the Biodiv’Educ association has been organizing recreational tech workshops for youngsters aged between 6 and 18. Created in 2018 at the initiative of the Play for Nature endowment fund, Biodiv’Educ works for the preservation of biodiversity and the environment by targeting the younger generation. Located in the Puy-de-Dôme département, the association designs its…

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The mobile clinic: access to health care for all !

In India, the Foundation for Rural Recovery and Development (FORRAD), with backing from the Michelin Corporate Foundation, has set up a mobile unit for people lacking easy access to healthcare. Since it was set up in 2017, the clinic has covered a lot of ground. Travelling the roads of the Thiravallur district in India’s state…

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Encouraging actions to protect the Malayan Tiger in Malaysia

Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is the oldest and largest NGO in Malaysia with a history of over 80 years of solid conservation and environmental achievements. Malaysian Nature Society approached the Michelin Foundation – very committed to biodiversity worldwide – with the aim of developing “citizen science” activities (research and monitoring of human-wildlife conflicts in the…

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Science comes to the aid of art

As part of a scheme to support the Friends of the Pompidou Center, the Michelin Corporate Foundation has applied the scientific and technical expertise of Michelin researchers to preserve artworks containing rubbers.  Little known because their use is recent, elastomers, commonly known as rubbers, contained in works of art may deteriorate in such a way…

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Accompanying young people towards success – C’Possible !

The C’Possible association works to prevent young people dropping out of school. With backing for development from the Michelin Foundation, it is gradually extending its activity to the whole country. Every year, nearly 100,000 young people leave the education system without any form of qualification. The reasons differ and may lie in family, social or…

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Understand to act, train to transform

How can we transform our way of thinking and acting to promote ecological and social transition? How to support this transformation? A training organization for ecological and social transition, the Campus de la Transition (association law 1901) is both a research-action laboratory and an experimental eco-place for sober and united lifestyles. Since its creation in…

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The experience of solidary shared housing

Lazarus brings together homeless people and young professionals The Lazarus association, recognized as being of general interest, was born from a disruptive initiative: helping people who have experienced the street to regain their autonomy by giving them the possibility of living alongside young active volunteers, from 25 to 35 years old. Lazarus’ innovative economic model…

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