
ASM Omnisports is taking up summer quarters!

Throughout the summer, ASM Omnisports educators play an active role in neighborhood life by bringing sports practice closer to residents of priority neighborhoods in the city. More than 20 sessions were thus offered, in the Gauthière, Vergnes and Champratel sectors, according to a schedule established jointly with local partners. Varied activities such as wrestling, judo,…

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In August, see you at La Chaise-Dieu festival!

“In the times we are going through, music, more than ever, appears to us in what it has never ceased to be to humanity: a space of total freedom, the means of transcending our own condition in an endless inner journey, both comforting and demanding, intimate and universal. Making room for beauty, fighting so that…

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A summer camp full of stars!

Since 2022, the AstroMaths camp has been organized by the ENS de Lyon and the Blaise Pascal Foundation with the support of numerous partners and committed stakeholders. Free of charge, the AstroMaths camp is organized for the benefit of first year high school students, volunteers, from modest and/or rural backgrounds, all passionate about science. On…

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To break isolation in rural areas

Allier and Cantal are the departments of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes with the highest poverty rate (INSEE, 2023). In order to fight against isolation of people, two “Fraternibus” have been set up and put on the roads to promote social ties in the hyper-rural areas of the territory. Initiated by Secours Catholique, thanks to the support of the…

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Discovering Hans Hartung in Brioude

A German-born French painter and photographer, Hans Hartung (1904-1989) was one of the most important artists of post-war European abstract art, and his work had a significant influence on many contemporary artists. His exploration of gesture painting and lyrical abstraction helped shape the aesthetic of modern abstract art. Father of tachism, his creation emerged spontaneously…

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Restoration of the flying dragon sleigh in Versailles

From October 2023, for 9 uninterrupted months, different successive trades began to work on the restoration of a very old and rare ceremonial object, the so-called flying dragon sleigh, probably made for the Grand Dauphin, son of Louis XIV, at the beginning of the 18th century. Thanks to the support of the Michelin Corporate Foundation,…

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Our 2023 activity report is online!

After 10 years of existence, the strategy of the Michelin Corporate Foundation is evolving! You will find in the 2023 Activity Report some of the projects supported by our Foundation over the last ten years and you will discover the new strategy which will guide our actions over the next 5 years : more focused…

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The Arts en Balade Event – Puy-de-Dôme

From May 17 to 20, 2024, the arts take us on a tour for our greatest pleasure!  The 29th edition of Arts en Balade will seduce you with an even larger and richer journey of discoveries. An exceptional opportunity to meet local and national artists, sometimes in their workshops, but also in partner exhibition venues,…

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Lazarus is recruiting!

In 2024, Lazarus is opening 4 new houses, including one in Clermont-Ferrand in partnership with the Michelin Corporate Foundation. The Lazarus house in Clermont-Ferrand will open its doors in November 2024 and will welcome 16 roommates.  Homeless people and young professionals convinced that a better life together is possible can apply.  You are looking for…

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KARIBU is the name of the application created by Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) to quickly familiarize yourself with the French language and culture in order to facilitate the integration of foreign populations. Very committed in favor of inclusion, the Michelin Corporate Foundation wanted to support the development of this application because integration in host countries…

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