
The CeCler association is at Viva Fabrica!

After Paris and Marseille, it is the turn of Lyon to welcome Viva Fabrica which will bring together from February 23 to 26, 2023 the young generations around the industry. The Michelin Foundation supports this event of general interest through the Viva Fabrica Foundation in order to strengthen the links between society and industry and…

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A week with the Paris Mozart Orchestra in Bourges!

Until February 11 in Bourges, the Paris Mozart Orchestra is honoring the female talents of orchestral conducting by welcoming 3 conductors including the 1st Jury Prize and the Orchestra Prize of the second edition of the international competition La Maestra, which took place in March 2022 at the Philharmonie de Paris. Claire Gibault, conductor and…

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Kick-off GO to the 2023 International Short Film Festival

On your marks! The 45th edition of the Clermont festival starts this evening Friday January 27 and runs until February 4. It is here in Auvergne that the most important international festival devoted exclusively to short films takes place. Each year, it attracts 3,600 professionals to the court market and welcomes more than 170,000 spectators…

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Two Michelin Foundation prizes for scientific research

The Academy of sciences paid tribute on Tuesday, November 22 under the dome of the Institut de France to the work of several researchers. Two winners received Michelin Foundation Prizes. – The 2022 Michelin Foundation – Academy of Sciences Grand Prize was awarded to an experienced scientist: Jean-Louis BARRAT – The 2022 Michelin Foundation –…

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Véro Béné receives the 2022 Michelin Foundation Grand Prix

Long – awaited , the RENDEZ-VOUS DU CARNET DE VOYAGE welcomed last weekend more than 100 French and foreign notebook artists who came to present their work and meet the public in Clermont-Ferrand. The time of a weekend is an opportunity to discover the profession of notebook makers, the personal and unique work of each…

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Long Thibaud finals at Châtelet!

The 2022 International Piano Competition Long Thibaud gave appointment last week to classical music lovers who came in large numbers to discover the 33 international candidates qualified for the competition. From November 7 to 13, the jury selected young virtuosos with the most outstanding artistic personality, beyond any technical and instrumental performance. The final last…

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Great start for the mobile kitchen!

At the beginning of September, the association “Les Enfants cuisinent” founded by Olivier Chaput, chef, inaugurated the tour of a new mobile device, with the support of the Michelin Foundation. Why a mobile kitchen? In September 2020, the new Ipsos/Secours Populaire barometer established that the health crisis had suddenly plunged millions of people into precariousness.…

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Therapeutic coordination apartments for palliative purposes

HELEBOR inaugurated on September 22 the end of the restoration work of an innovative reception structure for people in a precarious social situation with a long-term condition. People suffering from a serious illness and social insecurity experience a double penalty: the serious illness prevents them from working, the insecurity prevents them from getting treatment. Based…

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Houses for Science available to teachers

A laboratory of innovative ideas and practices for almost 30 years, La main à la pâte Foundation has been working with teachers to improve the quality of science teaching in primary and secondary schools, in particular by coordinating the Houses for science. This year, the network celebrates its 10th anniversary. Thanks to the Houses for…

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Do you know Café Joyeux ?

Café Joyeux is the first French café-restaurant family that employs and trains people with mental and cognitive disabilities in the heart of our cities (Paris, Rennes, Bordeaux, Tours, etc.) in France, and even further away in Lisboa. In France, 700,000 people are diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorders and 65,000 have Trisomy 21. They are…

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